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[Zope-PTK] Public CVS now available! CVS instructions
The PTK CVS is now available for public consumption. If you'd like to
play with the PTK, for Unix-like environments (the rest of you are on your
own) just follow these directions:

Install Zope as normal. Make sure it's working before continuing.

Change directories to [Zope root]/lib/python/Products.

Issue this command:

$ cvs -d login

You will be prompted for a password. The password is 'anonymous'.

Issue this command:

$ cvs -d co -d PTKBase \

This will check the PTKBase product out of the public CVS. When you
wish to update it in the future, just 'cd' to the PTKBase directory and
issue the 'cvs up' command.

This is sufficient to build your own PTK-based portal application. If
you wish to start with the pre-built one, you have a couple more
steps. Change directories to your Zope root:

$ cd ../../..

If you haven't already, create the import directory:

$ mkdir import

Copy the application's ZClass-based Product export file to the import

$ cp lib/python/Products/PTKBase/DemoApp/DemoPortal.zexp import

Restart Zope to load the PTKBase product. Then, in your Zope server's
Product folder, import the DemoPortal.zexp file. You should now be able
to instantiate (add) 'Portal' objects.

Note that any time the DemiPortal.zexp file changes when you perform a
CVS update, you must repeat the steps of copying and importing it to get
the latest and greatest version.


Mike Pelletier email:
Mild mannered software developer icq: 7127228
by day, super villain by night. phone: 519-884-2434