Mailing List Archive

[ANN] Zope 2.10.5 released
The Zope developer community I is pleased to announce the release
of Zope 2.10.5.

You can download Zope 2.10.5 from:

This release uses unicode as internal representation for ZPT. For this
reason you are strongly encouraged to read



Some new features of Zope 2.10:

- ZPT implementation based on Zope 3

- experimental WSGI and Twisted integration

- Zope 3.3, Five 1.5 integration

- clock server

- lots of minor improvements and fixes

- replaced several Zope 2 modules with their sister implementation
of Zope 3

For more information on what is new in this release, see the
CHANGES.txt files for the release:

Please bring all the bugs you have found to the Zope bugtracker:

For more information on the available Zope releases, guidance for selecting
the right distribution and installation instructions, please see:

Supported Python versions:

Zope 2.10 requires Python 2.4.3+ (Python 2.4.2 is still acceptable).
Older Python versions are no longer supported. Using Python 2.5
is also *unsupported*.

- --
Andreas Jung

ZOPYX Ltd. & Co. KG - Charlottenstr. 37/1 - 72070 Tübingen - Germany
Web: - Email: - Phone +49 - 7071 - 793376
E-Publishing, Python, Zope & Plone development, Consulting