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can't allocate more than ~800MB to dom0
If I try to start my Linux dom0 with more than than about 800M it won't
boot. I have 2G of RAM. What's going on? Something to do with x86
memory architecture? Also how do I get a a xen dmesg from the previous


Xen-users mailing list
Re: can't allocate more than ~800MB to dom0 [ In reply to ]
Sam Elstob wrote:
> If I try to start my Linux dom0 with more than than about 800M it won't
> boot. I have 2G of RAM. What's going on? Something to do with x86
> memory architecture? Also how do I get a a xen dmesg from the previous
> boot?

Check how much memory you have free (from dom0) with "xm info" -- you
can't give more than that. Either reboot with less memory for dom0, or
ballon dom0/domU('s) down.

Can't get a xen dmesg from the previous boot, but you can look at the
current one with "xm dmesg". Of course you could script your dom0 to
save it with "xm dmesg > xen-dmesg.$number" on startup.

Jeb Campbell

Xen-users mailing list
Re: can't allocate more than ~800MB to dom0 [ In reply to ]
> If I try to start my Linux dom0 with more than than about 800M it won't
> boot. I have 2G of RAM. What's going on? Something to do with x86
> memory architecture? Also how do I get a a xen dmesg from the previous
> boot?

I'm surprised it won't boot at all. However, x86 Linux does require Highmem4G
support compiled in if it's going to use large memory machines: have you
compiled a dom0 kernel with this included (the binary distribution of the
xen0 kernel does not have this).


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