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Xen 4.1.4 broken in my tests (installing Win7 x64)

I am testing Xen 4.1.4 with xenified kernels from opensuse 11.3 / 12.2.
Installing Win7 x64 in a HVM does no longer work (compared to Xen 4.1.1
I am using in our production systems). I get all kinds of file system
corruptions in the guest and the reboot does not work (see strange
"--psr-" status).

basesys64 ~ # xl list
Name ID Mem VCPUs State
Domain-0 0 1004 2
r----- 366.9
vm1 4 4091 1
--psr- 88.0

>From the config
disk = [ 'tap2:aio:/dev/sda10,hda,w',
'file:/root/win7prof64-021212.iso,hdc:cdrom,r' ]

dom0 is Gentoo. When I switch back to Xen 4.1.1 everything is OK.

Regards Andreas

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