Mailing List Archive

XenServer 6.0.0-50752p bug: Error parameters: Memory limits must satisfy: static min ≤ dynamic_min = dynamic_max = static_max

it looks like there is a bug in XenServer 6.0.0-50762p (Free Edition).
You can't modify memory setting for templates (s. below)

# ---
memory-static-max ( RW): 268435456
memory-dynamic-max ( RW): 268435456
memory-dynamic-min ( RW): 268435456
memory-static-min ( RW): 134217728
# ---

[root@xs6db01 ~]# xe template-param-set
uuid=a646305b-72fa-d1e0-0c8c-87be2ba17647 memory-static-max=4GiB
Error parameters: Memory limits must satisfy: *static_min ≤ dynamic_min
= dynamic_max = static_max*

It works correctly on XCP 1.1. Putting to small memory-static-max value
for test gives an error message with the right limit rules (s. below)
Error parameters: Memory limits must satisfy: *static_min ≤ dynamic_min
≤ dynamic_max ≤ static_max*

regards, Mark
