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ACTION REQUIRED: Xen Maintainer, Committer and Developer Meeting @ XenSummit NA 2012
Hi everybody,

a bit more than a month back, we had a discussion and vote on whether we
should have a Developer meeting alongside or before XenSummit (see The
overwhelming majority voted for a meeting on Sunday afternoon, the 26th
of August.

I have secured a meeting room from 13:00 to 17:00 at the XenSummit Venue
and anticipate that we will go out for dinner afterwards. The meeting is
invite only and we do only have limited space. However, to make things a
little easier on me could maintainers, committers and contributors which
will be at XenSummit and want to attend the meeting fill out

If we do not have enough space (which is quite possible), I will work
with the committers of projects to figure out who will be invited.

I also created a wiki page such that you can start adding topics for
discussion: see,_Committer_and_Developer_Meeting/XenSummit_NA_2012
- You can also propose discussion topics via the form.

Best Regards

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