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XenSummit 2012: Dates, Location, PMC & CFP
Dear Community Members,

I am pleased to announce the date and location of the 2012 XenSummit in
North America. It will be held from August 27-28, 2012 in San Diego, CA,
USA. The event will be held immediately before LinuxCon North America
2012, at the same venue. You will find more information on the XenSummit
events page (see

Call for Participation

The CFP for XenSummit is now also open. All submissions must be received
before midnight May 1, 2012 PDT. Submit your proposal by going to


I will also again be looking for volunteers to join the Program
Management Committee for XenSummit. As a PMC member you have the
following responsibilities
- Review submitted topics for the event (we will typically have 3 one
hour calls and a bit of homework is needed)
- Assist in compiling the final agenda for the event
- If attending, introduce speakers - you don't have to

Please get in touch with me, if you want to join the PMC. We are aiming
to have the first PMC meeting shortly after May 1st.

Best Regards

Xen-arm mailing list