Mailing List Archive

Documenbt Day is on Today
Hi all,
just a quick reminder that today is a Doccument Day. For our TODO list
and more info see



What is a Xen Project Document Day?

Xen Project document days are all day IRC events, facilitated by members
of the Xen Project community. The purpose of Xen Project Document Days is to

* Improve user documentation
* Improve developer documentation, including the creation of man
pages, etc.
* Improve and maintaining the wiki: this means fixing important pages,
retiring old ones, help identify what is and isn't important, write
new pages, etc

How Does it Work?

* *Join us on IRC: freenode channel #xendocs*
* Tell people what you intend to work on (to avoid doing something
somebody else is already working on)
* Fix some documentation
* Help others
* And above all: have fun!