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xcp dynamic memory management Debian Wheezy
Hello there,
I want to share and ask somthing I figured out about dyn mem management.

I was trying to be able to dynamicky set the "memory limits or targets" on a hosts for a very long time.

Finaly I found the problem:

when run command: "xe vm-memory-target-set target=500MiB vm=Wheezy3"

It should write it into xenstore e.g: " xenstore-ls -f | grep /local/domain/2/ |grep memo" should produce
/local/domain/2/memory/target = "512000"

after this squeezed should do the job, but in my case it didn t :(

after a while I spent with testing and reading I found that this key was missing inside the xenstore:
/local/domain/2/control/feature-balloon = "1"

After manually created key ballooing took the place and change memory on the host as expected without downtime. e.g.: " xenstore-write /local/domain/2/control/feature-balloon "1" "
Mem: 967 450 517 0 1 23
Mem: 443 424 19 0 0 11

dom0 = Debian Wheezy Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.51-1 x86_64 GNU/Linux

domU = Debian Wheezy Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.51-1 x86_64 GNU/Linux
xapi =Version: 1.3.2-15

Has anyone faced the same problem?

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