Mailing List Archive

Three easy requests for someone with root access
A few requests for people in high places to consider.

Item 1

User:Amillar ( is blocked from firewallinit. He has said
sorry. Can he please be unblocked? Further details at

Item 2

The two recent server crashes were excessively prolonged due to the lack
of available users with the appropriate access. Can Erik Moller please
be given root access? Can I please have a non-root account on pliny? (I
already have one on larousse)

Item 3

:Could not connect to DB on
:Host '' is blocked because of many connection
:errors. Unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'

Can max_connect_errors please be increased to, say, a billion? It is
currently set to 10. This has happened at least twice. There's probably
an underlying hardware problem, but this workaround would greatly reduce
downtime, while we're hunting down the root cause.

-- Tim Starling