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major upgrade of PageProperties -- json-schema compliant Builder, no SMW dependency, inline and popup forms, inline queries of hierarchical (json) data, result formats, Browse data, maintenance scripts, and more
hello, I would like to announce, as per the subject, a major upgrade of PageProperties which is now a "full-fledged metadata management framework based on json-schema able to easily record, organize and query collection of data on your wiki". The most important changes of the current version are a json-schema compliant SchemaBuilder (which does not support yet the complete json-schema vocabulary, however is deeply integrated with OOUI and Mediawiki) and the dropped dependency from Semantic Mediawiki (that can be optionally supported but does not constrain the features of the extension) Furthermore, the recursive nature of json-schema allows to handle hierarchical and nested data in a natural way: see for instance the Infobox in this page that is rendered using the template result format, applied both at root level and to subitems. Here is the updated extension page however the first link is a better entry point to explore the features of the extension since the documentation is organized in multiple pages. Hope it can be useful to meet some of your data/metadata management requirements (both at personal and professional level) and that could possibly inspire the use of metadata by regular users. (Thomas)