Mailing List Archive
There's an online resource that
seems to run a bit parallel to the Wiktionary
effort... The folks would like to
invite contributions to their database...
Do we know about their efforts and
is anyone on Wikipedia or Wiktionary
helping there as well? Would some
amount of collaboration be beneficial?

It is interestingly called "The Free Online
Lexicon and Encyclopedia"...
Are our databases compatible?
Would their effort help Wiktionary
progress by leaps and bounds?

Here's the FILE main page:
There are downloadable entries
which don't have definitions yet.
It seems that their idea of server
access is quite free and definitions
are welcomed, but I found it intreguing
that they state if you don't like what
you find then you didn't need to use
our servers... or something of the
sort... anyway, I thought it of interest.
Perhaps some here would also.

Jay B.