Mailing List Archive

Admin nominations
OK, the list of users below have been nominated for
Adminhood and seconded. Now all we need is their
consent to become sysops. To get this I'm going to
place a note on their talk pages explaining the
situation and asking them to add their consent. Should
this consent be in the form of a response on their
talk page or does it have to be placed by them onto
WikiEN-L (thus we getting them to sign-up to this
mailing list)?

User:The Anome

Also, these users were nominated by me but nobody has
seconded the nominations yet. Could somebody who is
familiar with these users please do so (or object with
a very brief reason why - then I'll drop my nomination
for the user - there is no need to drag people through
the dirt when they haven't even asked to become


One more thing: James Lovejoy (aka Minesweeper) has
been nominated, seconded and has indicated consent on
the mailing list. Could you "make it so" Erik?

-- Daniel Mayer (aka mav)

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