Mailing List Archive

Important request on behalf of Wiki weeders
Recent changes is getting swamped. I often find "junk" entries which
haven't been cleaned up some 12 hours after creation -- this did not
happen, say, 6 months ago.

The problem is that to catch up with the site, I (and other I presume)
need to load some 2,500 edits from Recent changes
That's over 1MB of HTML, it takes forever to load, and there's no
knowing how far back it goes.
This morning I had to load 1,500, then 2,000, then finally 2500 to find
my last edit.

We need something that lists from a particular date *forwards* for a
certain number of entires, as well as current behavious *back* from the

What I sugest is this:
something that behaves in the opposite way to the "from date D, limit L"
syntax in the RC URL. This currently does:
"list up to L entries newer than date D, starting from the present and
going back toward older entries"
This always includes the most recent edit, but not necessarily the date
D edit if L is small.

I would like to be able to request:
"list up to L entries newer than date D, starting from *date D itself*
and going forward"
This would always include the date D edit, and not necessarily the most
recent edit if L is small.
Hope that makes sense. I don't mean that the list order should be
reversed -- date D would still be at the foot of the page, newer edits
at the top.

With this feature, I could go through these in 500-item chunks, starting
from when I logged off and working my way through.

A link on the Recent Changes page would be nice -- something that lists:
{number of edits as set in preferences} forwards from date marked at top

We'd be able to copy this link to bookmarks on logging off, and resume
from the same place next time