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needed; explanation of other-language wikipedias
I'm still working on my long-term redesign of the Wiki software (planned
to be an Apache module written in C, with PostgreSQL as the backend).

I notice the two letter country codes, with a colon, prefix articles in
the wikipedias for other languages.

Are these namespaces, or are they parsed specially by the php to get
redirected to a different URL, which is a totally different wikipedia in
it's own right?

I guess that's another table to create:

CREATE TABLE wikipedias (
language_code byte(2),
url_prefix text

INSERT INTO wikipedias VALUES ("eo", "");

Of course this table would be accessed only once, when the Apache module
gets initialized. Would make it easier to add web based editing too.


Geek House Productions, Ltd.

Providing Unix & Internet Contracting and Consulting,
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General Programming, E-commerce, Web & Mail Services since 1998

Phone: 604-435-1205
Address: 2459 E 41st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5R2W2