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multiple language relations
You know what.. multi languages are a pain in the ass.

People need to keep putting links on all these pages by hand. And sometimes
like what happened with the dutch wikipedia, links are wrong... heres the
lodown.. all the days of the year pages, pointed to the dutch days of the
year pages.. and all 365 links were wrong.. because the dutch dont
capitalize months. hours and hours and hours of wasted work as well as a
bunch of dead links... no good. How to avoid it.. a table, or a system in
which we cross link article names eg

id | name | language
1 | January | en
1 | januari | nl
1 | Enero | sp

so when we go to a page, the page runs a select for what the article would
be called in other languages, and makes links that way.. so much easier..
all you need is one table and ALL the wikipedia's can work from it. oh, and
anyone have any comments on tighter integration amongst wikipedias? I think
there's lots of room for improvement there...