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Connection disconnected after 30 seconds

With the help of wirechark I have analyzed what's going during establishing
a vpn connection on Windows. I see a 3-way handshake and further, a PUSH
packet. And finally, when Accept button is pressed, it sends a packet with
flags FIN,ACK and determined SEQ and ACK values to QOTD server. All those
packets are exchanged with the IP of QOTD server.
I cannot observe the same on Linux. In fact, in wireshark I cannot see tun
interface and don't know how to make wireshark see it. In fact, I cannot
see tun interface with command "ifconfig". I can observe network traffic
only on eth0 interface.
What I tried is to send this packet to QOTD server with hping3 but it
didn't help. Probably I have to simulate all the "handshake" sequence.

Please help. I really want to use Linux at work, but at the moment I must
use virtual Windows to connect to vpn.
