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Teleporting not GPL ?
After the font problem last night, I really liked VNC. You guys
did a good job. And with the source being under the Gnu GPL, this
leave lots of opertunitys for other programers, such as myself
to improve and add features to it.

One Question.

I saw referenct your Teleporting system, which is under a much more
restrictive licens. Is there a reason that this is not also
under the GPL? Is there any possibility that it could be released
under the GPL at a later date.

The reason is that I am not much of a Windows/Microsoft Guy. All of
the work I do is under Unix/X. I would be very much interest in
using this software, and maybe extending it. The problem is that
I am not an educational instution (unless you count educating myself),
and I like to give my work away so that others can benifit from it
as I have benifited from previous work. (I use Linux exclusivally).

Just Wondering.

John C. Quillan