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vncserver hacked to use x0vncserver

I can only get x0vncserver running on my platform so I can't use Xvnc - has
anyone hacked vncserver to use x0vncserver instead of Xvnc ?



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Re: vncserver hacked to use x0vncserver [ In reply to ]
On 4-3-2011 1:50, Chris and Susan Kordish wrote:
> I can only get x0vncserver running on my platform so I can't use Xvnc - has
> anyone hacked vncserver to use x0vncserver instead of Xvnc ?
I donnot know your platform (what unix variant it is) so I donnot know
details. However, the `vncserver` I know is just a shell-script, hence
you can open it in any editor (vi, emacs or your favorite). there you'll
find the call to `Xvnc` which you can replace with your own.

If x0vncserver accepts different options than Xvnc, it's just scripting
(or some variant of englis) so the base should not be that hard.


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