Mailing List Archive

Stille før stormen: varnish-1.0.4
[actually cc: the list this time]

Ingvar Hagelund <> writes:
> Denne postingen burde sikkert v?rt p? engelsk, og postet til
> varnish-dist.

I'll bite :)

> Det er fint om du (des) ser over og kommenterer
> * varnish.sysconfig

The following variables:


should be removed; changing them is generally not a good idea.

There should be a variable for "extra flags".

The following variable:


could be written as


but are you sure you want a 10 MB file by default? The built-in default
is "50%", which means min(50% of available disk space, SIZE_MAX) rounded
down to the nearest page boundary.

The following variable:


is not very useful (the default is already 120, and in most cases you
want to tweak the TTL on a per-object basis, which must be done in VCL).
The preferred way to change it these days is to set the corresponding
run-time parameter either with -p on the command line or through the
managment port.

The startup knobs which I consider critical are the following (taken
from the updated FreeBSD port):

varnishd_flags="-P ${pidfile} -a ${varnishd_listen} -f ${varnishd_config} -T ${varnishd_telnet} -s ${varnishd_storage}"

("varnishd_telnet" should probably be called something else)

That being said, I see no harm in offering additional options, as long
as they neither confuse the user nor encourage him to twiddle knobs he
shouldn't twiddle.

> * varnishlog.sysinit


> * varnish.initrc

Is the lock file necessary? Isn't it better to check for the presence
of the PID file, and of the process it references?

> Disse ligger i svn, i redhat-katalogen. Videre m? vi ha en fin
> default.vcl som erstatter vcl.conf med korrekt backend, og resten
> utkommentert (de er jo default-innstillinger, sant?)


> redhat/varnish.sysconfig og debian/varnish.default m? sannsynligvis
> oppdateres, i alle fall med verdier for lytteadresse (tom verdi => ipv4
> +ipv6, sant?) og lytteport (80? 8080? 8000?) . Disse filene kunne
> forresten gjerne v?re samme fil, eller i hvert fall rimelig identiske.
> Stig? Lars?

Considering that Debian, Fedora and OpenSUSE packages already bind to
:6081 and localhost:6082, I think we should keep those defaults.

> For ? f? svn-utgaven til ? bygge m? jeg legge til en './' for
> ? f? generert configure. Jeg antar at denne blir overfl?dig i den
> endelige tarballen?

I use 'make dist' to create the tarball. It automatically creates and
includes the required files, including a working configure script.

Dag-Erling Sm?rgrav
Senior Software Developer
Linpro AS -