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BAN variant of varnish cache
Using *BAN*, is it possible to invalidate a particular variant of a varnish

We use locale in http vary header to keep different variants of the cache,
but the *BAN* configured is invalidating all the cache.

*BAN configuration *

sub vcl_backend_response {

set beresp.http.x-ban-locale = bereq.http.X-BOLT-SITE-LOCALE;

set beresp.http.x-url = bereq.url;


sub vcl_deliver {

unset resp.http.x-ban-locale;

unset resp.http.x-url;


sub vcl_recv {

if (req.method == "BAN") {

if(req.http.x-ban-regex) {

ban("obj.http.x-ban-locale == " +req.http.X-BOLT-SITE-LOCALE +"
&& obj.http.x-url ~ "+req.http.x-ban-regex);

} else {

ban("obj.http.x-ban-locale == " +req.http.X-BOLT-SITE-LOCALE +"
&& obj.http.x-url == "+req.url);


return(synth(200, "Ban Added"));



*CURL command to add the BAN*

curl -v -XBAN -H 'x-ban-regex:^/boltapi/v1/ads*(\?.*)*$' -H
'X-BOLT-SITE-LOCALE:en_ZA' -H 'Vary:en_ZA' {hostname}:{port}