Mailing List Archive

trac db, scarab2trac

Can anyone point me at some info about the table layout of the trac
db? I am trying to write a script to import exported scarab issues
into the trac db, so I can migrate from scarab.

For example, what format are the time & changetime columns in?

Also, is there some way to view the tables? I run my script which
writes to the db and I don't see any errors, but when I try to view a
report from trac I see no issues... I am not sure if something is
going wrong writing to the db, or what I am writing to the db is
somehow incorrect (wrong format for time fields, etc?).

BTW, trac is the coolest thing since sliced bread... I'm really
looking fwd to migrating my project
( to trac.

-- Rob

PS. Looking through the mailing list archives, I noticed the
suggestion of storing wiki pages in subversion... I would like to
second that suggestion, or at least a compromise solution to allow the
wiki viewer & editor to also edit/view files stored in the svn repo.
The wiki plus some custom python macros would be just the thing for
maintaining project docs. A command line script to render the html
(sans "edit" buttons) that could be run as part of the release process
would be pretty swell too.
trac db, scarab2trac [ In reply to ]
Hi Rob,

if you've got trac already installed just type:

sqlite /your/trac/test/installation/db/trac.db > trac.db.dump

You will get a sql-dump of the tracdb which is more ore less self explaining.

On 10/03/2004 08:40 PM, Rob Clark wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone point me at some info about the table layout of the trac
> db? I am trying to write a script to import exported scarab issues
> into the trac db, so I can migrate from scarab.
> For example, what format are the time & changetime columns in?
> Also, is there some way to view the tables? I run my script which
> writes to the db and I don't see any errors, but when I try to view a
> report from trac I see no issues... I am not sure if something is
> going wrong writing to the db, or what I am writing to the db is
> somehow incorrect (wrong format for time fields, etc?).
> BTW, trac is the coolest thing since sliced bread... I'm really
> looking fwd to migrating my project
> ( to trac.

Eike Jordan <>

| Franklin Str. 11 ------ ,__o
| 10587 Berlin ------ _-\_<,
| ------ (+)/'(+)
| Tel. : 0049-30-39977 214
trac db, scarab2trac [ In reply to ]

On 10/07/2004 03:43 PM, Eike Jordan wrote:
> Hi Rob,
> if you've got trac already installed just type:
> sqlite /your/trac/test/installation/db/trac.db > trac.db.dump

sqlite /your/trac/test/installation/db/trac.db .dump > trac.db.dump

Eike Jordan <>

| Franklin Str. 11 ------ ,__o
| 10587 Berlin ------ _-\_<,
| ------ (+)/'(+)
| Tel. : 0049-30-39977 214