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bugzilla import

I'm playing with trac and tried an inital import from bugzilla. I know
that trac does not support multiple products. This isn't a big problem
in the short run. But, I would like to keep the "Product" information
from bugzilla and I have seen, that you can make a list of product to
keyword mapping.

Is there any reason not to build the trac component name with a "/"
seperated list of bugzilla product and component like:


This would also allow to move components with equal names to trac.

Best regards
bugzilla import [ In reply to ]
Am 28.09.2004 um 20:45 schrieb
> Hi,
> I'm playing with trac and tried an inital import from bugzilla. I know
> that trac does not support multiple products. This isn't a big problem
> in the short run. But, I would like to keep the "Product" information
>> from bugzilla and I have seen, that you can make a list of product to
> keyword mapping.
> Is there any reason not to build the trac component name with a "/"
> seperated list of bugzilla product and component like:
> Program1/MainComponent
> Program2/MainComponent

I see no obvious reason why this wouldn't work.

If you're using trunk, or planning to migrate to 0.8 when it's released
(I hope soon), you can also use custom ticket fields:

(yeah, it needs better documentation).

Cheers, Chris
Christopher Lenz
/=/ cmlenz at
bugzilla import [ In reply to ]

> If you're using trunk, or planning to migrate to 0.8 when it's
> released (I hope soon), you can also use custom ticket fields:
This sounds reasonable. But then I could not import multiple equal named
componets from bugzilla like MainModule in my previous example. And the
solution with the path seperator gives also a clear visual feedback to
the user.

Thanks for the answer.
