Mailing List Archive

[no subject]
I have attached a patch that adds a $TIME dynamic variable that can be
used in Reports. It can be used to create time based reports, such as a
report of tickets opened in the past week:

SELECT p.value AS __color__,
id AS ticket, summary, component AS product, version, milestone AS
project, severity,
(CASE status WHEN 'assigned' THEN owner||' *' ELSE owner END) AS
time AS created,
changetime AS _changetime, description AS _description,
reporter AS _reporter
FROM ticket t, enum p
WHERE time > $TIME - 604800
AND = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority'

It's a very simple patch, and hopefully not my last contribution.

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Name: report_time.patch
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Url : /archive/trac/attachments/20040909/e7df6666/report_time.a
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Paul Baker

"Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic. But will they keep it? Or
will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom?”
-- Thomas Jefferson in a letter to John Adams

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[no subject] [ In reply to ]
On Thu, 2004-09-09 at 20:29 -0500, Paul Baker wrote:
> I have attached a patch that adds a $TIME dynamic variable that can be
> used in Reports. It can be used to create time based reports, such as a
> report of tickets opened in the past week:

I don't believe this is necessary, since SQLite already provides a way to get the current time.

Try executing "select datetime('now');"

There's some more information on the date/time functions available here:

Also, in the future I believe it's best to create a ticket on the Trac
project and attach your patch there.

Matthew Good <>
[no subject] [ In reply to ]
On Sep 9, 2004, at 10:27 PM, Matthew Good wrote:
> I don't believe this is necessary, since SQLite already provides a way
> to get the current time.
> Try executing "select datetime('now');"
> There's some more information on the date/time functions available
> here:

Ah...I was looking at and never saw any
reference to date/time related functions so I figured it was lacking.

> Also, in the future I believe it's best to create a ticket on the Trac
> project and attach your patch there.

I initially would have thought to open a ticket for it, but I was going
by the instruction "Naturally, contributions in source code form are
more than welcome. Please send patches to the MailingList for review
and merging." found on

P.S. Sorry about the lack of subject. My bad.

Paul Baker

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."
-- Philip K. Dick

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