Mailing List Archive

Re: TFTP HP 0.28 and .029
Parthiv Shah wrote:
> Hi,
> I was trying to test TFTP-HPA-0.28 and TFTP-hpa-0.29 version for loading
> files greater than 32MB file size. I found that it works fine on SunOS
> 2.6 and SunOS 2.8. But it is not working on SunOS 2.7. On SunOS 2.7 it
> loads upto 32MB file size only. Is there any known problem with SunOS
> 2.7? Or is there anything I am doing wrong?
> Please let me know if it is possible for you.

Some versions of the Solaris library have strange problems with some
data types, and perhaps that applies to Solaris 7. It's hard for me to
know exactly without duplicating your environment exactly (including
which C compiler -- gcc versus Sun). It has worked on the Solaris
systems I have tested it on, but I can't for obvious reasons test every
feature on every system...
