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Implementation of SPF for Windows 2000 and later
Version 1.6 of my implementation of SPF for Windows is now available at

The changes since version 1.5 are:

New features:
- New function SPFHasMX().
- New function SPFSetOurDomain().
- New function SPFSetBestGuess().
- The 'r' macro (receiving domain) is supported.
- The whitelist is also used by SPFMSQuery().

- If an SPF record cannot be retrieved because the domain does not exist,
then the result is 'unknown'.
- Names of mechanisms and modifiers are case-insensitive and they may also
contain '-', '_', and '.'.
- If a mechanism returns 'error', then the processing ends.
- The trailing dot is removed from a <domain-spec>.

Fixed bugs:
- "<noMailservers/>" and "<mx/>" did not work.
- The whitelist policy was not include if there was no "all".

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