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ToCc rule question
I am trying to write a rule that examines the To and CC fields and
matches if:

1. The field is of the format "Real Name" <>, and
2. The first four characters of the real name do NOT match the first
four characters of the email address.

The reason is that I am seeing lots of spam addressed to things like:
"Nicole N. Inquisitor" <>

I know that my regular expressions work if I plug them into a perl
script, but the rule still isn't firing. This is what I have:

header __FAKE_TO_NAME1 ToCc =~ /^\s*".*"\s+<\S+\@mydomain\.com>\s*$/i
header __FAKE_TO_NAME2 ToCc !~
describe FAKE_TO_NAME Addressed to a faked real name.
score FAKE_TO_NAME 1.0

This is in a file in /etc/mail/spamassassin. I've run
--lint on it and gotten no errors.

Any ideas? I'm almost suspecting that the ToCc is not showing me the
real name part of the address?!
