Mailing List Archive

Error message from spamd
I have a problem with spamassassin i hope the problem aint becuse im totaly
Spamassassin have been working perfectly before i upgraded my debian system
to "testing" and then as a result perl 5.8.3 though it seems that 5.6.1 is
still laying around in the system. I am running spamc in a procmail file in
vpopmail viritual user and when i run "spamassassin" instead of "spamc" the
mail is handle more corectly than spamc/spamd is. Spamc is though tagging
spam as spam but it aint putting it in the right place...
Some one that have a clue what i have done wrong or what perl/spamassassin
is doing wrong ?
Hope some one can help me !
/Nils Nilsson

The problem is best described with the cut from mail.log>

Mar 4 12:07:24 pacific spamd[31424]: connection from localhost []
at port 39547
Mar 4 12:07:25 pacific spamd[19882]: Use of uninitialized value in string
ne at /usr/sbin/spamd line 1123, <GEN29> line 2.
Mar 4 12:07:25 pacific spamd[19882]: Use of uninitialized value in numeric
gt (>) at /usr/sbin/spamd line 1145, <GEN29> line 2.
Mar 4 12:07:25 pacific spamd[19882]: Use of uninitialized value in hash
element at /usr/sbin/spamd line 1152, <ASSIGN> line 10.
Mar 4 12:07:25 pacific spamd[19882]: Use of uninitialized value in string
ne at /usr/sbin/spamd line 1130.
Mar 4 12:07:25 pacific spamd[19882]: processing message
<> for vpopmail:0.
Mar 4 12:07:41 pacific spamd[19882]: clean message (1.0/5.0) for vpopmail:0
in 17.0 seconds, 4956 bytes.

> procmailrc
### Spam Assassin

| /usr/local/bin/spamc


### Toss Spam into a Folder
* ^Subject:.*\*\*\*\*SPAM\*\*\*\*

### Deliver the rest into Maildir normally