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[Spamassassin Wiki] Update of "IntegratedSpamdInPostfix" by MarkS
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The following page has been changed by MarkS:

The comment on the change is:
Should remove the old from this page after the new one is reviewed


Only mail received by SMTP will be scanned with this method, i.e. mail injected with sendmail(1) will not be fed to SpamAssassin.

+ == Alternative ==
+ A major problem with the above filter is that Postfix attempts to bounce messages flagged as spam. This is a waste of resources as most spams have fake return addresses. Furthermore, if they fake a return address that doesn't belong to them, you may end up bouncing the message to an innocent 3rd party. Enough of this can result in YOU being on an RBL.
+ Instead, we'd like to create a blackhole for spam.
+ To accomplish this while still using an after-queue filter, the spam may be redirected to another account on the system. Steps to do this are as follows:
+ 1) Modify /etc/postfix/ with:
+ {{{
+ smtp inet n - n - - smtpd -o content_filter=spamassassin
+ ... and then at the end, add:
+ spamassassin
+ unix - n n - - pipe
+ flags=Rq user=nobody argv=/path/to/ -oi -f ${sender} ${recipient}
+ }}}
+ 2) Create as follows:
+ {{{
+ #!/bin/sh
+ #
+ #
+ # This script redirects mail flagged as spam to a separate account
+ # You must first create a user account named "spamvac" to hold the flagged mail
+ SENDMAIL="/usr/sbin/sendmail -i"
+ SPAMASSASSIN=/usr/bin/spamc
+ USER=`echo $COMMAND | awk '{ print $NF }' | sed 's/@.*$//'`
+ NEW_COMMAND=`echo $COMMAND | awk '{ gsub($NF, "spamvac"); print }'`
+ # Exit codes from <sysexits.h>
+ umask 077
+ OUTPUT="`mktemp /tmp/mailfilter.XXXXXXXXXX`"
+ if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then
+ /usr/bin/logger -s -p mail.warning -t filter "Unable to create temporary file."
+ fi
+ # Clean up when done or when aborting.
+ trap "rm -f $OUTPUT" EXIT SIGTERM
+ return="$?"
+ if [ "$return" == 1 ]; then
+ exit $?
+ elif [ "$return" != 0 ]; then
+ /usr/bin/logger -s -p mail.warning -t filter "Temporary SpamAssassin failure (spamc return $return)"
+ fi
+ exit $?
+ }}}
+ This causes incoming smtp mail to be checked for spam. If the mail's spam score exceeds the threshold (set in, or in ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs) then it is redirected to the spamvac account. Otherwise it is passed on to the intended recipient. Bounces no longer occur except on a true error condition.