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[rt-announce] RT 4.0.20 released
RT 4.0.20 -- 2014-05-13

We are pleased to announce that RT 4.0.20 is now available.

SHA1 sums

9078f3c31a14298eca386191d68a664962a3b691 rt-4.0.20.tar.gz
4ca682fb696e87dde52389367363030fbe866fba rt-4.0.20.tar.gz.sig

This release is primarily a bugfix release; changes of note include:

General user UI
* Resolve a regression in 4.0.19 wherein TITLE information was lost
after parsing on the Advanced page (#29425)
* Ensure that Sidebar / Body panes in dashboard configuration display
in a consistent order.
* Add Date and DateTime fields to bulk update.
* Prevents "Can't call method "DependsOn" on an undefined value" error
in bulk update if tickets were deleted.
* Show links to tickets which are not readable by the user as numbers,
not as blank titles.
* Allow non-ASCII characters in passwords (#28784)
* Add a "Reset" button to revert homepage portlet formatting to the
system default
* Allow downloading attachments whose filenames contain a leading dot
* Prevent uninitialized value warning on search result pages with no
query (#29699)

* Use one fewer database connections per rt-server process; this is
most notable on fastcgi deployments, which spawn a number of
rt-server processes
* Catch and warn of template compilation errors, such as unbalanced
* Prevent warnings on perl 5.19
* Update suggested backup strategy on MySQL to no longer require LOCK
TABLES privileges (#22893)
* Prevent a possible infinite loop in rt-validator --resolve if
Principal records were missing; default to forcing their creation.
* Additional optional upgrade script for users who used
RT::Extension::CustomField::Checkbox in RT 3.8
* Default to connecting to sphinx via instead of localhost on
MySQL 5.5, due to
* Remove "uninitialized value warnings" for upgrades from RT 3.8
* Ensure that rt-test-dependencies re-execs itself using its full path,
as module installations may have changed the directory (#29024)
* Properly detect an existing database but missing schema in the web

* Allow arbitrary Content-Disposition in REST uploads (#19770)

* Correct a typo in the documentation for MakeClicky callbacks.
* Allow consumers of EditCustomField to specify undef $Rows or $Cols to
omit the respective attributes during form element rendering.
* Allow members to be added to groups during group creation in
* Allow consumers of /Elements/SimpleSearch to provide the placeholder
* Default Domain to UserDefined for groups created in initialdata.
* Add a comment warning about the use of the SetFieldsOnce callback in
BuildFormatString; it will be removed in RT 4.4.
* Fix behavior of RT::Date->AddDays when passed 0 days
* Allow RT::Users->WhoBelongToGroups to optionally return unprivileged
* Provide hooks to implement a cache on MakeClicky
* Prevent race conditions in 99-policy.t by skipping t/tmp/ and other
volatile directories.
* Check POD of all files

* Documentation on writing extensions for RT.
* Updated parts of RT::StyleGuide
* Note that changing queue subject tags may require altering

A complete changelog is available from git by running:
git log rt-4.0.19..rt-4.0.20
or visiting
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RT Training - Dallas May 20-21