Mailing List Archive

RT 4.2.1rc1 released
RT 4.2.1rc1 -- 2013-11-13

RT 4.2.1rc1 is now available for testing.

SHA1 sums

54b730fc4147634005b4e291895f769e25bdddff rt-4.2.1rc1.tar.gz
c1ec6402b824defd207755a680971ff99b5da010 rt-4.2.1rc1.tar.gz.asc

This release is primarily a bugfix release; notable changes include:

* Resolve numerous issues with the 4.0 -> 4.2 upgrade steps on Oracle
* In-database sessions on Oracle are no longer truncated at 8k,
leading to spurious logouts

Internet Explorer:
* Fix submission issues under Internet Explorer

Rich text editor:
* If returning to a reply/correspond page with the back button, the
rich text editor will no longer double-escape previously written

* Fix an empty 'text/plain' part when tickets are created using the
REST interface.

Other bugfixes:
* Optimize transaction display code to speed up long ticket displays
by short-circuiting transaction custom field checking.
* Supply a default $PATH for SMIME and GnuPG under FastCGI
* Support index upgrade steps on Pg when in a custom schema
* Close a memory leak in ColumnMap
* Fix "check all" checkboxes for new jQuery version
* Secondarily sort user ticket lists by id, as well as priority.
* Remove call to deprecated function used by PreviewScripMessages
* Many localization fixes (thanks to Emmanuel Lacour)
* Show customized rights in their correct tabs
* Ensure RFC2822 date format uses two-digit days in output
* Display iCal dates in the user's timezone, resolving off-by-one
errors for timezones significantly off from GMT.
* Correctly parse complex format strings for listing in the bottom of
the Query Builder

* Move ModifyQueryProperties callback to before its values are used
* Additional callbacks on ticket modify pages
* Additional callbacks on ticket reply/comment page
* Additional callback on search results page
* Additional callback before transactions in history list
* Allow header callback to modify %ARGS

* Allow bulk update to delete _all_ CF values for a given CF
* Support CF.Foo in columnmaps, in addition to CF.{Foo} and
* Autocompletion CFs now autocomplete in search builder
* Support cascaded selects with any combination of listbox, dropdown,
and radio button
* Support ShowUnreadMessageNotifications in SelfService

A complete changelog is available from git by running:
git log rt-4.2.0..rt-4.2.1rc1
or visiting