Mailing List Archive

rsyslog 1.0.4 released (stable branch)
Hi all,

I have just released rsyslog 1.0.4. This is a maintenance release with
just a single fix: there were some printfs from the debugging aid left
over. They appear each time a message is received via TCP. Obviously,
this may cause performance problems on busy systems. Please note that
this affects the TCP receiver only, so if you are only using local
sockets or UDP, you are not affected by this bug.

The new release can be downloaded form

I plan to release a new development branch soon, too.

You can also fix your existing 1.0.3 release by removing these lines
from syslogd.c:

899: printf("## in loop\n");
917: printf("## record delim found\n");

All the best,
Rainer Gerhards