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I already posted this question in the "Community Forums" section of the website, but I thought that I might get luckier here, so I hope you will not find this post rude.

I am trying to figure out how the regex in rsyslogd works, and it seems like the docs are incomplete in that area.

I have a string that looks like this one:
Auth: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX->XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX user="<USERNAME>" server="<SERVER>" port="<PORT<"

XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX == IP address
<USERNAME> == Username
<SERVER> == hostname
<PORT> == port

I am trying to catch the username, but I cannot seem to figure out the syntax of the regex template...

Thank you in advance!

Imri Zvik
PGP (2.6.3ia) Public Key: