Mailing List Archive

CatOS question
What is the reason for capturing the
'write term all' output instead of just write term?

Is there some reason for wanting *ALL* settings instead of all
non-default settings?

Christopher E. Brown <chris.brown at> desk (907) 273-6893
cell (907) 632-8492
IP Engineer III - ACS
CatOS question [ In reply to ]
Thu, Oct 07, 2004 at 11:29:33AM -0800, Christopher E. Brown:
> What is the reason for capturing the
> 'write term all' output instead of just write term?
> Is there some reason for wanting *ALL* settings instead of all
> non-default settings?

defaults change and new things appear as defaults on occasion. in
fact, two different IOS code trains might have different defaults.

rule of least surprise.