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Looking for Qmail person in Los Angeles area
I have a client in Los Angeles area (Chatsworth) who has a qmail/samba
file server that I maintain remotely. The client is associated with one
of my UK clients.

The server is a very simple one only accepting smtp connections from two
mail hubs and the UK companies office and passing all outgoing mail
through one of the hubs. Virus and spam filtering is handled at the hubs.

The server hardly ever comes under load, particularly since we limited
the smtp connections it accepts ... in other words no spambots etc. Its
current uptime details are:

> Last login: Wed Feb 15 14:33:39 2012 from
> john@la:~$ uptime
> 07:22:03 up 191 days, 10:30, 1 user, load average: 0.15, 0.05, 0.01

I am looking for someone in the area to take over looking after the
server from me. Their current IT support are totally MS orientated, I
had considered giving them a login but when we needed to re-install
about a year ago I had to handle it remotely as they were not confident
enough to even run a base Debian install, I decided it was unwise.

It generally runs very smoothly with little interference from me, I
spend no more than a few hours a month attending to it. Although my
other server tend to follow John Simpson this is a simple LWQ install
without too many patches. basically only the essentials plus Shupp's
auth patch.

If anyone is interested please contact me.