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Help! Qmail won't start!
Thanks again for the help y'all gave me about my problem!

Many folks gave me advice on how to fix my problem... and it's been fixed!
The problem was a typo I made *early* on in the install: I set the
permissions to /var/qmail to 655, not 755. Subsequently, nothing in the
directories would execute!

The folks who recommended that I use troff were very helpful indeed, as
then I had a log to view to try to track down the problem.

I realize that this is not a bug, and I'm not expecting djb to do anything
about this, but if you're listening "O Great One" you may want to add a
quick check to the /var/qmail permissions in qmail-check for idiots like
me, if you have the time......

I also received several suggestions on my script question. However, as I
won't be ready to implement that part of the installation for at least a
few days, I have stored those suggestions until I'm ready to tackle it. I
do thank you again for the suggestions, I feel they will be very helpful
when I'm ready to use them!

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger Merchberger | Everyone complained to me to change my .sig,
Programmer, NorthernWay | but no-one could recommend something better. | So you'll have to put up with this *junk*
| until I find some new wisdom to share.