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PythonWin Debugger comments
I am quite new to Python. I've just started tinkering with the PythonWin
environment and would like to make the following comments. I'd like to hear
some feedback on them. (I'm using build 123.)

1)Syntax highlighting in the debugger needs to go one step further. While
one can change the color of the "current line" it would be nicer if one could
change background color of the "current line" also. It would make it much
more obvious what the current execution point is. Lots of other debuggers do

2)I've had problem with both the PythonWin debugger and the IDLE debugger.
Both seem to have problems stepping out of a function call. Usually this
results in hanging the debugger (Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4).


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PythonWin Debugger comments [ In reply to ]
Hi Chuck,

[with PythonWin 123]
> 1)Syntax highlighting in the debugger needs to go one step
> further. While one can change the color of the "current line"
> it would be nicer if one could change background color of
> the "current line" also. It would make it much more obvious
> what the current execution point is. Lots of other debuggers
> do this.

The look of the editor/debugger has changed a lot in PythonWin 124.
There is now a little arrow to show the current line rather than
changing colours. If you really like a coloured background for the
current line rather than an arrow in the selection margin for build 124,
turn the selection margin off by adding

self.SendScintilla(SCI_SETMARGINWIDTH, 0, 0)

to the OnInitialUpdate method of SyntEditView. This looks better if you
change the colour of the current line marker to something bright like

self.SendScintilla(SCI_MARKERSETBACK, MARKER_CURRENT, win32api.RGB(0xff,
0xff, 0))

Neil Hodgson