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Python an Tcl/Tk 8.1
I am new to all of this. I am running Windows 98, and I just downloaded
Python and the newest version of Tcl/Tk (8.1). Unfortunately, it appears
that Python doesn't like this version. Doing an import Tkinter command
prints out an error message saying that its looking for 8.0 dlls. I was
wondering what files I need to change to point to 8.1 dlls in order to make
it work (if that would make it work at all) Or do I just need to get a copy
of the 8.0 dlls and stick them in the same folder. Any help you could offer
me would be appreciated, just reply to my post.

Jared Hanson
Python an Tcl/Tk 8.1 [ In reply to ]
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First thing you should do is blow away all old tk*.dll and tcl*.dll's
from your computer. If you have mult old copies Python will be confused.
Then you have to set tk_library and tcl_library from autoexec.bat.
Then use the Tcl/Tk that comes with python.exe installation. You
should have no problem afterward. The docs do say that newest is


Jared Hanson wrote:
> I am new to all of this. I am running Windows 98, and I just downloaded
> Python and the newest version of Tcl/Tk (8.1). Unfortunately, it appears
> that Python doesn't like this version. Doing an import Tkinter command
> prints out an error message saying that its looking for 8.0 dlls. I was
> wondering what files I need to change to point to 8.1 dlls in order to make
> it work (if that would make it work at all) Or do I just need to get a copy
> of the 8.0 dlls and stick them in the same folder. Any help you could offer
> me would be appreciated, just reply to my post.
> Thanks,
> Jared Hanson

S. Hoon Yoon (Quant) Merrill Lynch Equity Trading,
"Miracle is always only few standard deviations away, but so is
* Expressed opinions are often my own, but NOT my employer's.
"I feel like a fugitive from the law of averages." Mauldin
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Python an Tcl/Tk 8.1 [ In reply to ]
Hello Jared

Jared Hanson wrote:
> I am new to all of this. I am running Windows 98, and I just downloaded
> Python and the newest version of Tcl/Tk (8.1). Unfortunately, it appears
> that Python doesn't like this version. Doing an import Tkinter command
> prints out an error message saying that its looking for 8.0 dlls. I was
> wondering what files I need to change to point to 8.1 dlls in order to make
> it work (if that would make it work at all) Or do I just need to get a copy
> of the 8.0 dlls and stick them in the same folder. Any help you could offer
> me would be appreciated, just reply to my post.
"Tkinter" as distributed in 1.5.2 will not work with Tk8.1 due
to minor changes in the Tk startup requirements.

To use "Tkinter" with Tk8.1, you must apply the two patches
I posted recently to this newsgroup, and then regenerate
"_tkinter.pyd" with the Tcl/Tk 8.1 distribution.
Thus, you need a source distribution of both
Python and Tcl/Tk and a C development system.

- Dieter