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PIL-object to NumPy

I'm using Python Image Library (PIL) and NumPy.

I would like to open a image and make som imageprocessing on it. I would
like to do the imageprocessing i NumPy, but I can't find out how to open af
Image in NumPy??

Q1: How do I open a image so I can use it with NumPy??

Q2: If not(Q1) then: How do I convert a PIL-object to a NymPy-array???

Mads Andresen, Odense, Denmark
PIL-object to NumPy [ In reply to ]
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Mads Andresen wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using Python Image Library (PIL) and NumPy.
> I would like to open a image and make som imageprocessing on it. I would
> like to do the imageprocessing i NumPy, but I can't find out how to open af
> Image in NumPy??
> Q1: How do I open a image so I can use it with NumPy??
> Q2: If not(Q1) then: How do I convert a PIL-object to a NymPy-array???
> Mads Andresen, Odense, Denmark

I use the attached piece of code.

Ed Jones

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#! /usr/bin/python

import Numeric, Image

# NumPy thinks in terms of matrices (r,c) starting at the upper left hand
# corner.
def printarray(array, width=4):
rows, cols = array.shape
print width * ' ',
for c in range(cols):
print '%*d' % (width, c),
for r in range(rows):
print '%*d' % (width, r),
for c in range(cols):
print '%*d' % (width, array[r][c]),

# PIL thinks in terms of television rasters (x,y) starting at the upper left
# hand corner.
def printim(im, width=4):
xsize, ysize = im.size
print width * ' ',
for x in range(xsize):
print '%*d' % (width, x),
for y in range(ysize):
print '%*d' % (width, y),
for x in range(xsize):
print '%*d' % (width, im.getpixel( (x, y) )),

def pil2numpy(im, typecode='b'):
# tostring does something funny with '1' images (packs em tight).
# For 'P' images, the image data is not pased through the palette.
if im.mode != 'L' and im.mode != 'P':
print 'im.mode must be "L" or "P"'
raise 'terminate'
xsize = im.size[0]
ysize = im.size[1]
m = im.tostring()
t = Numeric.fromstring(m, 'b')
tt = Numeric.asarray(t, typecode)
# Note that ysize is first:
return Numeric.reshape(tt, (ysize, xsize))

# Convert a 2-d array with typecode 'b' to an image with mode 'L'
def numpy2pil(arr):
rows = arr.shape[0]
cols = arr.shape[1]
m = arr.tostring()
out ='L', (cols, rows) )
return out

PIL-object to NumPy [ In reply to ]
On Tue, 4 May 1999 07:52:31 +0200, "Mads Andresen" <>

>I'm using Python Image Library (PIL) and NumPy.
>I would like to open a image and make som imageprocessing on it. I would
>like to do the imageprocessing i NumPy, but I can't find out how to open af
>Image in NumPy??
>Q1: How do I open a image so I can use it with NumPy??
>Q2: If not(Q1) then: How do I convert a PIL-object to a NymPy-array???
>Mads Andresen, Odense, Denmark

Heres a little demo I put together for a co-worker with the same questions:

import Image
import Numeric

def imageToArray(img, type=Numeric.UnsignedInt8):
'''Given an 8bit Image object, return an Array object.
arr = Numeric.array(img.tostring('raw', img.mode, 0, -1)).astype(type)
arr.shape = img.size[1], img.size[0]
return arr

def arrayToImage(arr, type='L'):
'''Given an Array object, return an 8bit Image object.
height, width = arr.shape
img =, (width, height))
img.fromstring(arr.tostring(), 'raw', type, 0, -1)
return img

if __name__ == '__main__':
import os
import ImageChops


# 8bit gray-scale
# test img->arr->img
img ='test_8bit.bmp')
arr = imageToArray(img)
testImg = arrayToImage(arr, 'L')
diffImg = ImageChops.difference(img, testImg)
for i in range(diffImg.size[0]):
for j in range(diffImg.size[1]):
val = diffImg.getpixel((i,j))
if val:
raise ValueError('Pixel %d,%d = %d, should be zero!'
% (i,j,val))

# test arr->img->arr
def func(i,j):
return (i*j + i + j) % 256
arr = Numeric.fromfunction(func, (128, 256)).astype(Numeric.UnsignedInt8)
img = arrayToImage(arr, 'L')
testArr = imageToArray(img)
diffArr = arr - testArr
for i in range(diffArr.shape[0]):
for j in range(diffArr.shape[1]):
if diffArr[i,j]:
raise ValueError('Element %d,%d = %d, should be zero!'
% (i,j,diffArr[i,j]))


Roger Burnham
Cambridge Research & Instrumentation
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PIL-object to NumPy [ In reply to ]
> Hi,
> I'm using Python Image Library (PIL) and NumPy.
> I would like to open a image and make som imageprocessing on it. I would
> like to do the imageprocessing i NumPy, but I can't find out how to open af
> Image in NumPy??
> Q1: How do I open a image so I can use it with NumPy??

I have had the same questions in the past. It would be really nice to
have some way to access the underlying data as both a PIL object and a
NumPy array object.

But, as it stands now you must use the tostring method of the PIL object
and the fromstring function in the Numeric module.


PIL-object to NumPy [ In reply to ]
Thanks a lot - now i am up and running.

Mads, Odense, Denmark