Mailing List Archive

Re: [Distutils] Distutils now in Python CVS tree
Greg Ward writes:
> Distutils is now available through the Python CVS tree *in addition to
> its own CVS tree*. That is, if you keep on top of developments in the
> Python CVS tree, then you will be tracking the latest Distutils code in
> Lib/distutils. Or, you can keep following the Distutils through its own
> CVS tree. (This is all done through one itty-bitty little symlink in
> the CNRI CVS repository, and It Just Works. Cool.)

You may want to point out the legalese requirements for patches to
the Python tree. ;( That means the patches should probably go to or you should ensure an archive of all the legal
statements is maintained at CNRI.


Fred L. Drake, Jr. <fdrake at>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives