Mailing List Archive

Python Tools/
I was just looking through the Tools dir of the CVS version
(looking for a tool which autoexpands tabs in Python source
files -- which I didn't find) and found some other useful scripts
along the way.

To my surprise these executable files did not have a .py
extension even though were Python source files. Is this
intended ? I find that scripts like "world" provide useful
information which would be nice to have in the standard
lib -- with .py extension...

Other tidbits:

I noted that at least in my CVS tree the Tools/ht2html
dir does not include any executable: have I missed something ?

The script Tools/scripts/ is not executable
for some reason.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Python Pages:
Re: Python Tools/ [ In reply to ]
> I was just looking through the Tools dir of the CVS version
> (looking for a tool which autoexpands tabs in Python source
> files -- which I didn't find) and found some other useful scripts
> along the way.
> To my surprise these executable files did not have a .py
> extension even though were Python source files. Is this
> intended ? I find that scripts like "world" provide useful
> information which would be nice to have in the standard
> lib -- with .py extension...

I would agree, but that's Barry's creation, so I'll let him answer for
himself. Any other scripts with the same problem?

> Other tidbits:
> I noted that at least in my CVS tree the Tools/ht2html
> dir does not include any executable: have I missed something ?

Actually, that directory is a ghost and shouldn't have been exported
at all. (Barry, can you erase it from sweetpea?)

> The script Tools/scripts/ is not executable
> for some reason.

Fixed now.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Re: Python Tools/ [ In reply to ]
>>>>> "M" == M <> writes:

M> To my surprise these executable files did not have a .py
M> extension even though were Python source files. Is this
M> intended ? I find that scripts like "world" provide useful
M> information which would be nice to have in the standard
M> lib -- with .py extension...

I hadn't thought about making world a module, but if others agree, I
can play a little CVS magic to move the file to

M> I noted that at least in my CVS tree the Tools/ht2html dir does
M> not include any executable: have I missed something ?

If you do a `cvs up -P' (-P for prune) you'll find that that directory
goes away. At one point I started to add the ht2html scripts to the
Python tools, but then we decided not to. Unfortunately, once a
directory's been added to CVS it can never be removed (hence -P).

If you're really interested in the ht2html scripts, which are used to
build the Python.Org and JPython.Org sites (as well as my personal
pages), please see

Re: Python Tools/ [ In reply to ]
>>>>> "BAW" == Barry A Warsaw <> writes:

BAW> If you do a `cvs up -P' (-P for prune) you'll find that that
BAW> directory goes away. At one point I started to add the
BAW> ht2html scripts to the Python tools, but then we decided not
BAW> to. Unfortunately, once a directory's been added to CVS it
BAW> can never be removed (hence -P).

I just check this and there is no ht2html directory in Tools anymore.
We probably did remove it after you (MAL) had checked it out. You can
either ignore the directory, or delete it from your working dirs. If
cvs complains after deleting it, you may have to manually edit the
CVS/Entries file. Sorry about that -- we know better now.
