Mailing List Archive

Preview of some distutils news
Judging by the recent traffic on python-dev, lots of people here are
interested in the problems of distributing and installing Python
modules. So I thought y'all might want to know that I've finally got
some interesting news to report on the distutils-sig, and will shortly
be reporting it, soliciting feedback, testers, etc. If you're not
already on that list, this might be a good time to join.

(Oh, the news? Distutils can now compile and install NumPy, PIL, and
mxDateTime (just because I happened to have those three distributions
sitting around on my home PC). Of course there are all sorts of caveats
and limitations, so c'mon over to the distutils-sig if you want to hear
what they are and discuss how to fix them. Later this week, of course,
after I've checked in all the relevant code.)

Greg Ward - software developer
Corporation for National Research Initiatives
1895 Preston White Drive voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA 20191-5434 fax: +1-703-620-0913