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[ANN] Python Ireland February Meetup
Hi All,

When: Wednesday Feb 13th @ 7pm
Where: Engine Yard, 2nd Floor, 35 Barrow St, Dublin 4.
Price: FREE!

What's on:

Michael Twomey,
"A 30 minute quick start guide to monitoring and metrics"
Level: Mostly beginner
- What is monitoring? What are metrics? Why do I care?
- What quick and dirty things can you do now to improve your life?
- What could you be aiming for long term?
- A quick summary of a bunch of tools:
- Graphite (and of course
- OpenTSDB
- New Relic
- Pingdom
- Tracelytics
- Datadog
- Log scraping

Jakub Jarosz,
"MongoDB, MongoKit & Python for data driven integration testing."
Level: beginner
I will cover few use cases of using MongoDB in the integration testing
process and show how we simplified tests using pytest and JenkinsCI.

Darren Fitzpatrick,
Lightning talk on "How to try to make a audio game with no knowledge of
python what so ever".

Looking forward to seeing everyone on the night. Hopefully there will be
some new faces there too.

Note: Remember to go up the outside fire-escape stairwell in order to get
into the building.

Diarmuid Bourke /
ZenDoc / CTO
Python Ireland / Chairperson

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