Mailing List Archive

TONYC Grant Report June 2023
[Hours] [Activity]
2023/06/01 Thursday
1.52 #21129 research, testing, comment

2023/06/05 Monday
2.65 #21073 look at porting C++ test, EU:CB issue
1.02 #21135 research and comment
0.17 #21139 review and comment briefly
0.18 #21095 consider other C++ non-features to add
1.37 #21129 research and long comment

2023/06/06 Tuesday
0.20 #21135 more research
1.40 #21131 look at making PerlIOStdio not error flag on
reading a write-only stream
1.03 #21131 testing, but fail, looks like some inconsistent
behaviour on the perlio side too

2023/06/07 Wednesday
0.75 #21135 review new discussion and work on a patch, make PR
0.13 #21144 review and approve
0.10 #21145 review and approve
0.22 #21139 review, comment and approve
0.43 #21136 review and comment
0.85 #21091 review code, testing
0.40 #21091 testing and comment
1.25 #21089 research, testing and comment
0.95 #21135 re-work and re-test and re-push

2023/06/08 Thursday
1.00 #21136 think too much and comment
0.70 #21102 research and comment
0.22 #21148 review, appears to be fixed, ask user to try 5.36.1
0.25 #20523 try to prompt a response
0.25 #21148 review response, follow-up on Dual-
0.57 #21102 longish comment
0.72 #21103 try to reproduce, comment with example code
1.03 #21067 debugging, work on a fix
0.53 #21067 simple fix worked, more cautious fix didn’t, so I
don’t understand something

2023/06/09 Friday
0.65 #21067 figure out my mistake, regression test and make
test, push for CI
0.62 review old tickets

2023/06/12 Monday
0.20 #21123 adjust commit wording
0.12 #21103 add some missing sample code
0.32 #21136 review updates and approve
0.28 #19874 review and close, since it was fixed by #19930 and
0.57 #19749 review discussion and code, and comment (mark
ticket Closable?)
0.92 #19648 research, change and testing, push for CI
0.73 http-tiny clean up PR 21151
1.87 #19472 get it working, save for review for next day

2023/06/13 Tuesday
0.45 delta for IO::Socket::IP, testing
0.83 #19472 re-check, refactor, push for CI
0.52 #19472 check CI results, threading fixes/testing, push for
more CI
0.75 #19818 backport EXTEND_HWM_SET() to Devel::PPPort, push
for CI
0.20 #19648 adjust commit message, PR 21152
0.73 #19643 reproduce, research

2023/06/14 Wednesday
0.67 #19643 create PR Perl-Toolchain-Gang/Test-Harness#119
1.00 #19676 research, testing
2.45 #19676 testing

2023/06/15 Thursday
2.43 #19676 research, testing
0.65 #19676 comment
0.53 #19606 try to figure out what the ticket is about
0.23 #19559 review, testing and comment
0.18 #19554 review, comment and mark closable
0.43 #19478 review discussion and close

2023/06/16 Friday
0.32 #19559 follow-up
1.13 #19426 testing, debugging and comment

2023/06/19 Monday
0.58 look into Leonerd’s op_scope() p5p question and comment on
2.53 #19426 work on a fix, testing, debugging
2.40 #19426 more testing, long comment

2032/06/20 Sunday
1.37 #19426 more testing, polish
0.38 #19426 polish, push for CI
1.70 #19376 research, debugging, comment

2023/06/21 Wednesday
0.28 #19376 check CI, make PR, comments
0.90 Andy’s mksymlink test failure: testing, work on a fix,
push for CI
0.40 #19419 review and approve
1.05 #19378 research, testing
1.12 #19378 work on a fix, testing

2023/06/22 Thursday
1.37 #21162 grumble and consider approaches, work on a fix,
push for CI
0.77 #19378 debugging
1.37 #19370 debugging

2023/06/23 Friday
0.27 #21162 make suggested change

2023/06/26 Monday
0.85 #21174 research, testing and comment on rt.cpan ticket and
0.77 #21168 review, research and comment
0.77 #19370 debugging, looks like a problem with the
3.07 #19370 debugging

2023/06/27 Tuesday
1.53 #19370 debugging, reproduce with anon sub
0.60 #19370 testing, research, long-ish comment
1.02 #21073 back to porting C++ test, EU:CB issue

2023/06/28 Wednesday
1.58 #21179 research, testing and comment
1.32 #21176 work on a fix, push for CI
0.93 fix Time::HiRes g++ build warning, try to find platform
that required the C++ compatibility suppressions
0.32 #18814 already fixed, close
0.83 #16971 prevent the panic in the given case, try to find
the regexp magic to reproduce another case

2023/06/29 Thursday
0.55 #21180 research and comment
0.95 #21179 review supplied preprocessed code, research,
0.62 #16971 debugging
0.95 #16971 debugging
0.22 #21179 follow-up

Which I calculate is 73.04 hours.
Approximately 41 tickets were reviewed or worked on.
Re: TONYC Grant Report June 2023 [ In reply to ]
On Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 8:06?PM Tony Cook <> wrote:

> 1.00 #21136 think too much and comment


> Which I calculate is 73.04 hours.
> Approximately 41 tickets were reviewed or worked on.

Thanks Tony. +1 from me.

-- Matthew Horsfall (alh)