Mailing List Archive

Notes for today's "Transparency Committee" proposal

Very sorry for the late delivery of this (you may have seen the issues
we've had with the openstack wiki of late).


Today's action: Collect volunteers.


To improve transparency and foster collaboration between the foundation
members and members of the board, technical committee, user committee and
other committees. Specifically, to draft statements and prototype systems
changes for board review and approval.


OpenStack, due primarily to its explosive growth, has struggled with both
real and perceived transparency issues for much of the past two years. Many
of these issues (ShanleyGate, the various concerns over ballot stuffing,
lack of access to board materials) have come down to a simple lack of
education and documentation around the legal issues involved. In other
cases, we have had an impedance mismatch between the tools available, and
the communication style of the members or directors.

- Mailing list improvements (
- Document management proposals


Improve accessibility:
- Updated contact information for foundation staff, board and committee
members (see
- Documented responsibility and policy for addressing transparency
concerns and complaints
- Brief training for board and committee members on ML, doc share, wiki
and transparency policies

Draft a statement on transparency policy:
- What types of information are confidential (and why)
- What types of information are embargo'd (why, and for how long)
- How long the approval process should take for 'official' documents
- Where concerns or complaints should be filed (hint: not twitter)

Solicit external review and recommendations:
- Work with an external non-profit transparency organization (such as to assess and improve our community transparency

Draft one pagers (borrow from PSF):
- Orientation for new directors
- Orientation for new members

Joshua McKenty, CEO
Piston Cloud Computing, Inc.
w: (650) 24-CLOUD
m: (650) 283-6846

"Oh, Westley, we'll never survive!"
"Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has."