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connection timeout
Attached is a patch which adds a ConnectionTimeout option, and corrects
the ConnectionAttempts documentation.

Previously, ssh would try to make a connection ConnectionAttempts times,
sleeping 1 second between tries. But each connection attempt could take a
very long time to fail if the packets die before the get to the host. So
if ssh is being run in a script or what-have-you, it might be desirable to
wait a shorter period of time.

So this limits the time per connection attempt to the lesser of
ConnectionTimeout, and the kernel timeout for a socket in SYN_SENT state.

The patch is against the portable ssh, because I run linux, but it applies
to the current version of ssh as well, albiet with some fuzz and offsets.
I have also not patched ssh.0 because it appears to be a generated file,
and my troff must work differently from whoever generated it.

I'm thinking I might add a command line option to parse another config
file after the defaults, mabye even instead of the user's home directory.
Any thoughts?

Ian Turner