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looking for commercial supporters of openssh
The organization that sets standards for Unix software in my company is in
the process of seeking a replacement for an internally-written remote
command execution tool (essentially an rsh with extra features such as
pseudo-tty support), and I'm trying to pursuade them to use ssh and
ultimately openssh. Since we're Bell Labs, we have a lot of Unix
machines. One of the things that organization requires is somebody to
supply them with binaries for several different unix platforms and to
promise them 7x24 hotline support. Of course they are willing to pay for
that support. I could provide them binaries (I already provide ssh 1.2.27
to a non-privileged area on the bulk of the unix machines) but they're not
comfortable with relying on one of their own employees for the round-the-clock
support. I know that the license on ssh 1.2.27 prevents any company but
f-secure from supporting that tool, but I'm looking forward to the time
when openssh will be ready for them. If any of you have good suggestions
for companies that will do a good job of this for openssh, please let me
know right away.

- Dave Dykstra