Mailing List Archive

Anonymous CVS, Snapshot mirrors available
Thanks to the generosity of Rob Hagopian <>, portable
OpenSSH now has a public anonymous CVS tree and a mirror of the
snapshots on a fast (colocated) machine.

The nightly snapshots are now available from:

Please use these instead of the ones (which will be going
away soon).

To checkout the CVS tree, issue the following commands:

cvs -d login
(just hit enter when asked for a password)
cvs -d co openssh_cvs

If sending patches, please use the unified diff format ("diff -u" or
"cvs diff -u") as it is much easier to read.

Damien Miller

| ``We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on | Damien Miller -
| a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the | <>
| works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, /
| we know this is not true.'' - Robert Wilensky UCB /