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NTOP 8-28 and OpenBSD 2.7
I spend a great deal of time over the past week or so learning about the
NTOP software. I am by no means a UNIX/Programming Guru. Nor am I any
sort of NTOp expert.

However, I wanted to post what I learned about getting and using NTOP on
OpenBSD 2.7 in the hopes that it will help someone else out in the future.
I had a very difficult time coming up with any sort of information about
this program other than the very nicely written abstracts and papers.

1. Don't use the port. Although the port works, it is very old and has
limited functionality. It also will not allow you to use the web mode.
It will say "disabled for security reasons." You can get around this by
deleting the patch in the /usr/ports/net/ntop/patch directory. However,
then you are open to some fairly significant security problems.

2. On my OpenBSD 2.7 machine, I needed to install the latest readline
library. This I downloaded and compiled without a problem. Without this
library, you will be able to follow all the instructions in the
BUILD-NTOP.txt file except for the last step when you try gmake install.
At this point it will compile for a while and then eventually dump out
with an error about history.h missing. It took me a long while to track
this one down.

3. I also needed the latest version of gdbm for the database functions.
This was downloaded and compiled without problems.

4. When copying the script for libpng, I used the makefile.std file.

5. Be sure to use gmake when compiling ntop on this OS. I did have to
install gmake from the ports tree.

So far NTOP has been fairly stable for me. However, I have had it crash
out with a segmentation fault with little or no explaination. Again, I am
not much of a programmer.

I have not been able to get NTOP working with SSL.

Hopefully this document will help someone out.


Michael Norton
Curricula Coordinator/Network Administrator
Interface Computer School