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favicon used for web server ID?
Hey All,

Without having to call an external program (such as md5sum or md5),
would there be any way to grab a favicon.ico file from a web server
and check it against a list of known favicon.ico files using NASL2?



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Plugins-writers mailing list
Re: favicon used for web server ID? [ In reply to ]
On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 07:40:08AM -0700, Jon Passki wrote:

> Without having to call an external program (such as md5sum or md5),
> would there be any way to grab a favicon.ico file from a web server
> and check it against a list of known favicon.ico files using NASL2?

NASL has functions for generating hashes; eg, MD5(), SHA1(). So pick one
and generate hashes for your known files. Then retrieve the file from
your target, generate its hash, and compare.

Plugins-writers mailing list
Re: favicon used for web server ID? [ In reply to ]
On Oct 14, 2005, at 10:40, Jon Passki wrote:

> Hey All,
> Without having to call an external program (such as md5sum or md5),
> would there be any way to grab a favicon.ico file from a web server
> and check it against a list of known favicon.ico files using NASL2?

Sure :

# Fill the list
list["SomeName"] = "3858f62230ac3c915f300c664312c63f";

# Make the request
port = get_http_port(default:80);
req = http_get(item:"/favicon.ico", port:port);
res = http_keepalive_send_recv(port:port, data:req, bodyonly:TRUE);
if ( res == NULL ) exit(0);
md5 = hexstr(MD5(res));

# Compare the result

foreach key ( keys(list))
if ( list[key] == md5 )
report = "The remote favico.icn is the " + key + " file";
security_note(port:port, data:report);

-- Renaud
Plugins-writers mailing list
Re: favicon used for web server ID? [ In reply to ]
Renaud Deraison wrote:

> Sure :
> # Fill the list


How about the attached script? I've made it GPL, Renaud, hope you
don't mind :-)

FWIW there's a (non-free) application that uses this to fingerprint
webserver along some other things (similar to how
www_fingerprinting_hmap.nasl works). I have _not_ use their icon
files, I've reused some favicons from my Webscarab logs (see the
script under the script). If anyone wants the ico files ask for them,
although they are widely available (it might take a bit of google-fu



PS: I'm still extracting ico files from my Webscarab logs which might
take a while as they are 400Mbs in size.